Grade 10 Science

We started a new unit in grade 10. The initial concept we are learning about is uncertainty. The first relationship we were working to understand in this activity was that between measurement and uncertainty. You can’t ever make a measurement without accepting a...

Grade 10 is busy!

Grade 10 is busy.  The students will not disagree with this statement! There has been a lot going on for the Grade 10 recently. From going to the university fair in Muscat to organizing their house competition activity, but also learning about and listening to the...

Advisory and ABIS House Competitions

Every student at ABIS is a member of a house (Dolphins, Falcons, Jaguars, Foxes). We have monthly competitions to earn points for our house. There is a winning house at the end of the year. In November, the grade 9 students are planning and running the event. Here is...