Week 5: 2 + 2 = 5

Greetings one and all- Another  week has passed us by with much learning with fun and games.  In 2+2=5 Ms. Sri is introducing to the younger students  a   game called BUMP.  They get to practice their fast facts AND their spelling of high frequency words.  The middle...

Cooperation and Action in G1A

This week, we revisit the Learner Profile of caring and students were encouraged to think about how we need to share when working in a group. One student said, “When everyone work together, we all are winners.” Groups who cooperated and did an activity...

5th week in 1C!

This week, in our fifth week of school, students have made great progress in their literacy and math centers. They are rotating between centers smoothly and taking more responsibility for cleaning up. We’ve introduced loose parts in the literacy center, encouraging...

Week 5

This week, two Grade 4 students visited our class to teach us all about recycling—what can and can’t be recycled, and how to tell the difference. Thanks to them, we now know how to check packaging to see if it’s recyclable. We’ve also learned where the recycling...