Welcome to Grade 3
Highlights from this week..
Posts from previous weeks..
Reading Buddies
Dear Parents We have partnered up with K2 by reading to each other each week.
Magazine making competition
A class activity about making a magazine about healthy and unhealthy food. It was a competition...
Reading Tips for Your Kindergartner
Reading Rockets is a wonderful resource for tips and information on reading and anything relating...
نَصٌّ بِنَكْهَةٍ عُمانِيَّة
قام أبطال الصف الثالث بالتطبيق العملي لنص حلوي لأبي
الْمُعَلِّمونَ الْمُبْدعونَ
تم تفعيل المعلم المبدع مع عباكرة الصف الثالث مع المعلمة المبدعة: بيان بنت سالم الحبسي ومع المعلمة...
Developing literacy skills through meaningful conversations.
We all know that reading and writing are essential skills for our children's success in school and...
Exploring Rhythms, Instruments, and Songwriting
Week 7 in Music at ABIS Exploring Rhythms, Instruments, and Songwriting Week 7 in Music a7 ABIS...
Emotional Awareness
This week, Ms Maitha came to talk to us about our emotions. We talked about ways we can express...
Maths is Fun!
Dear Parents This week we made some paper planes to measure length, we wanted to see how far they...
Reading Tips for Preschoolers
Often, as parents we wonder how we can best support our children at home. Here is a page of tips...
Rhythm, Rhymes, and Reflection! 🎶 A Week of Musical Adventures in Week 6! 🌍
Week 6 in Music at ABIS What a fantastic week of musical exploration it's been! From tapping toes...
Cooperative learning skills among third grade students in the Arabic language.
The Digest System!
Dear Parents, This week we have explored the digestive system. Students enjoyed learning about the...
The journey of food
This week the students have been learning about the digestive system. They have identified and...
Benefits of reading at home with your children.
Finding time to read with your children can be challenging, especially if you have a busy...
Week 6: 2+2=5
Greetings Mathmaniacs- This week in 2+2=5, students continued practicing math fact games to build...
WIDA Scoring
If your child was identified as an EAL student, it means your child may need additional support...
After-school activities provide a golden opportunity to foster a love for reading.
After-school activities provide a golden opportunity to foster a love for reading among elementary...
Music Adventures at ABIS – Week 5: Brass, Beats, and Beyond!
Music Adventures at ABIS - Week 5: Brass, Beats, and Beyond! 🎶 Another week of musical exploration...
Week 5: 2 + 2 = 5
Greetings one and all- Another week has passed us by with much learning with fun and games. In...