Week 6 in Grade 6

A short, yet important week in Grade 6 as we really push on with our new stand alone Literacy and Math units. To give us the space for these new focuses, we took a slight breather from our ‘Who We are in Place and Time’ unit of inquiry into migration. This also gave...

Week 6: 2+2=5

Greetings Mathmaniacs- This week in 2+2=5, students continued practicing math fact games to build automaticity. The younger group played Addition War with cards, the middle group worked on Fill in the Addend, and the older students focused on shapes.

WIDA Scoring

If your  child was identified as an EAL student, it means your child may need additional support in English, These students will take an English language proficiency test every year, until they test out of needing extra support which is usually level 4. Assessment...