Learning with one another

Today, the kids had an exciting time watching Grade 2 tell stories through various forms. They were inspired! We also noticed that our compost model changed. The compost level is 7 cm lower than it was a week ago!

Grade 1 lit up the stage … with SUNSHINE!

The students were AMAZING in the ECC Assembly this afternoon! Many thanks to those who were able to come and support their children or who sent someone else to join in the fun. I heard from some students that they invited cousins and neighbors to see them up on stage:...

Cycles in Nature

This week, Grade 1 wondered how dead animals and plants and food waste turn into soil? How is soil a living thing? We worked together to gather material for a compost model. Now we will get a chance to observe how food waste changes in a compost pile. This exploration...

Living things depend on each other

One way we explored the idea of interdependence for our Unit of Inquiry this week was through three-legged races! The students had to organize a plan with their partners, communicate and then take action as they tried to move quickly across the Mazoon floor. Their...