مشروع الام الزائرة وطلاب الصف الاول

استقبل طلاب الصف الاول ولية امر الطالبة هلا يعرب  الدكتورة آسيا التي قدمت لهم حصة رائعة عن تنظيف الأسنان  وأثرت الحصة بأنشطة رائعة بصحبة ابنتها الدكتورة الصغيرة هلا   التي قامت بتقديم الهدايا الصغيرة لزملائها كل الشكر لها...

Winter Show 1A

Last night we enjoyed a wonderful display of all the musical talents throughout the school. Especially proud of all our Grade One students as it was a late night but their enthusiasm carried them through! Thank you to Mr Mino for all his hard work and, of course, to...

14th Week in 1C!

This week, our class continued to explore the dynamic theme of How the World Works by investigating 3D shapes. We walked around our school to identify these shapes in real life, discussing their various attributes. Our scientific curiosity extended to learning about...

Week 14

We had an amazing week filled with joy and valuable learning experiences. One fascinating topic the children explored was the Earth’s composition, discovering its distinct layers—the inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust. They even crafted a playdough model...