After School Activities begin next week

The next session of After School Activities begins next Saturday. Mr. Duffield is sending home a letter with all students today and you’ll find that letter in electronic form below. Mr. Duffield requests that all forms come back by Monday, 16 January (to ensure...

A Few Thoughts on the iPad’s Impact

ABIS will soon join a small group of schools from around the world who have initiated a 1:1 iPad program. This puts us on the cutting edge of educational technology. But it’s important to note that we’re certainly not the first school to do this, and thus...

I’m Not Buying This…Or Am I?

Since the days of the antiquity, when Spartan generals wrote instructions to their subordinates about influencing the attitudes of conquered peoples, propaganda has been a part of the fabric of human societies. From Martin Luther’s famous tracts against the...

Stand and Deliver

Have you ever watched or listened to a TED Talk? TED is an organization that sponsors conferences around the world and invites exciting, fresh minds to come speak about topics as far ranging as education to prothetic limbs to healthy diets. [Click here to visit the...