Dear parents,

It’s been a very busy week for students (and teachers for that matter) as students have set up new CAS projects and begun discussions about target setting. As you’re aware, three Secondary School areas that we are focusing on this year are organization, motivation and target setting as we see them as fundamental in the success of our students both in school and outside school and on into later life.  For this reason they will be revisited and reinforced by staff over the course of the year and probably throughout their time at ABIS.

In terms of supporting from home, I know that many parents have been looking at their child’s website (which features examples of their work) and we invite you to make a comment or give feedback on the site itself. In the medium to long term, it is quite likely that students grades will be available to parents though web software so that you can track the progress of your child, however we need to resolve a few other issues, such as reporting procedures and security, before we do this.

To prepare the target setting process, students have been asked to complete a copy of a blank report form in each of their subjects and suggest how they are progressing. This is the basis of them setting their own targets in the future and reflecting on how to achieve them, an area on which they will receive guidance by teachers and advisors.

Have an enjoyable weekend!

Leo Thompson