As we enter May, it’s worth noting that this is Mental Health Awareness month. To commemorate this, the Student Services Team recently hosted a Parent Engagement Workshop focused on Adolescent Mental Health. Together, we delved into the risk factors and protective factors impacting young people in our small community international school.

I’m thrilled to say that the workshop was well-received, with parents contributing greatly to the conversation around this critical topic. Their valuable insights shone a light on the unique challenges that young people face within our school community. I’m truly grateful for their participation, and I’m excited about the prospect of raising more awareness around mental health in the future.

This workshop was just the start of a larger initiative. Our SST looks forward to planning many more Wellbeing Focused Learning Events, aimed at fostering positive mental health within our school community. Together, we can help support the well-being of our students and promote an environment of openness and understanding.

We all Have Mental Health