A big week this week where we used the design kitchen space for the first time after much planning and construction. Grade 8s were the first to use this space. The teaching area is split into two sections with sinks and dishwashers in the middle. We have have 12 stations which compromise of 12 induction hobbs and stoves, 4 dishwashers, 5 double sinks, and plenty of storage. As it starts to heat up outside, all MYP grades will transition into cooking units. We look forward to exploring the delights of food products.

Exploring their stations in ‘B wing’.
Washing stations
G8s Learning knife skills
G8 Safety induction

Let’s let the pictures do some more talking…..

‘Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it’. That’s is the message we reinforce with the students as they have been evaluating their prototypes.
This included hanging them in trees, filling them with water, using stones to simulate bird food and destructive test to approximate strong wind. This now wraps up the unit and students have learnt invaluable skills in the woodwork workshop through the design cycle (Inquiry and Analyse, Developing ideas, Creating the Solution, Evaluating). I am sure the students enjoyed the unit as much as Mr Isle’s and I did.

Grade 9s have been evaluating their products and started recording the results in their process journal. They will complete this after the week break.

G10s have transitioned to criterion C which is the creation of the products. They completed some basic planning and then got stuck into theirs products. Work in progress as they say…. I have seen some videos being made, action sports pictures and sports tshirts to name a few.