by Jaymz A MCKIND | Jun 15, 2023 | Grade 4
Dear all, The students have been working very hard on their “Sharing the Planet” Unit of Inquiry Presentations this week. We would like to cordially invite you to come see their presentations on Sunday June 18, 2023 from 8:30-10:00 am. If you’re able...
by Karima ELSAYED | Jun 8, 2023 | ECC, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 6, The Grades
We enjoyed the performance of kindergarten students today in celebrating with their parents what they have learned. استمتعنا بأداء طلبة رياض الأطفال اليوم في الاحتفاء مع أولياء أمورهم بما تعلموه...
by Jaymz A MCKIND | Jun 8, 2023 | Grade 4
Dear All, I can feel the anticipation for summer vacation energizing our students in class! Please remind them to be on their best behavior while at school and to try to stay focused as we want them to continue learning and being as productive as possible as long as...
by Amy NORMAN | Jun 8, 2023 | Grade 4, The Grades
A little birdie told me the kids are excited about next week’s presentations. We have been practicing, receiving feedback and modifying according to the suggestions received. 3rd and 6th grades, the high school french teacher, our librarian and the high school...
by Nabawia AL BALUSHI | Jun 8, 2023 | Arabic, Grade 4
تواصل طلبة الصف الرابع حلقات الذكر والتلاوة بنشاط وهمة ، وت،الت الاستفسارات من قبلهم والمشاركات البنادة من قبل الطلبة بمداخلات ايجابية من خلال القصص الواقعية أو المواقف التي عايشوها وأحبوا أن ينقلوا هذه التجارب لزملائهم ليستفيدوا منها قدر الإمكان،فكل الشكر لهم على...
by Karima ELSAYED | Jun 6, 2023 | ECC, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, The Grades
Part of grade 1 self-learning, with guidance.جانب من التعلم الذاتي لطلبة الصف الأول مع التوجيه