G4 Week 28: Eid Mubarak

Greetings Everyone- A whirl-wind week, full of politics, math learning, field trip planning, and yearbook creating.  We hope your Ramadan has been healthy and full of reflection. Here is our week at a glance. We applied our knowledge from last week’s reading and help...

New and old book drive happening soon!

Takaful, a local charity involved in helping families in need in Oman, has contacted us to ask for our help in collecting as many new and old books, both in Arabic and English, that will be sold during a book fair in Sohar. All the proceeds from this book fair will go...

G4 Week 27 – Voice, Choice & Ownership

Hey all,  Power to the people! Yes, we overthrew dictatorship and won back our voice, choice and ownership. The highlight this week was the students’ suggestion to draft a constitution of our own for G4 which could also be handed down to next year. We also held a mock...

رمضان وسورة البقرة في الصف الرابع

افتتح الصف الرابع شهر الخير والقرآن بنفحات من الشهر الكريم وتعاهدنا على تلاوة سورة البقرة من القرآن الكريم خلال هذا الشهر العظيم تلاوة تلفها السكينة والرحمة بتدبر وتفهم، بحيث نتواصل مع بعضنا خلال أسابيع الشهر الفضيل وتحديد  الطالب الذي ينتهي من تلاوة سورة البقرة كل...