Parent Conferences

It’s conference time again. If your child receives support from either Ms. Viviana or Ms. Sylvia, please feel free to set up a meeting time with them. They will be present to answer questions you may have. They are also able to offer suggestions on how to support your...

Week 18

This week, the students wrote a story in their Journal, and the topic was their family. We learned new skills, namely the use of transition words in a story. These words help the students create a clear beginning, middle, and end in their story, improving the...

19th week in 1C!

This week, our Grade 1 class dove deep into a full spectrum of learning activities that were both challenging and fun! In Math, we explored the essential concepts of place value and subtraction. The students engaged with hands-on activities to strengthen their...

📚✨ The Joyful Journey of Reading Begins Here!

    💡 We have now entered a beautiful phase of reading growth, where we see our students making remarkable progress in reading and writing, unlocking new doors to knowledge.Together, we are shaping a generation that loves and excels in the Arabic language....

ابداع الصف الاول الابتدائي

أبدع طلاب الصف الأول الابتدائي في كتابة  الاملاء حيث بدأ الطلاب بتركيب الكلمات الإملائية عن طريق اللعب ثم انتقلوا إلى كتابتها حبر على ورق وقد حصل الجميع على درجات رائعة بوركت...