In the Arabic language class, the grade  1 students showcase their creativity and activity noticeably.في حصة اللغة العربية، يبدي طلاب الصف الأول إبداعهم ونشاطهم بشكل ملحوظ. يشكل الصف كأفراد خلية نحل، حيث يسعى الجميع نحو العمل والإنتاج بجدية وتفانٍ.

In the Arabic language class, the grade  1 students showcase their creativity and activity noticeably. The class functions like a beehive, where everyone strives for work and productivity with seriousness and dedication. The students engage in diverse tasks, with some...

Week 18 “Starting a New Inquiry Path”

We started a new Unit of Inquiry: “How we express ourselves”. In this unit we will learn about the different ways that stories can be shared with others. Furthermore we will focus on the fact that stories will give us a message and students will work on their own book...

Week 18

This week the children have been very excited to begin swimming lessons. Demonstrating their competent self-management skills, many of the children are able to change their clothes independently. We encourage you to practice this life skill with your child at home. We...

Week 17

After a long break we are all excited to be back together in Grade 1. We have been busy settling back into our daily routine and reconnecting with our friends. Now that the pool is ready we are very excited to start swimming this semester. Please enjoy a few pictures...