Wadi Wednesday

Grade 1 had their first field trip this week and they loved it! We visited Wadi Hibi as part of our Unit on How the World Works. Students have been learning about the Earth, landforms and how water and wind change the land. They had a great time on the bus- chatting,...

1C Wadi Field Trip!

Our field trip to the Wadi was an enriching experience that perfectly complemented our unit, How the World Works. As we explored the Wadi, students witnessed firsthand the effects of natural processes like erosion, which we’ve been studying in class. The...

Week 15

This week was full of fun and educational activities! We started the week with the Fun Run, where the children earned points for their house color by running or walking laps on the athletics track. It was a great way to stay active and have fun! In class, we worked on...