by Ann Gaillard | Apr 5, 2018 | Front Page, Secondary Team Leader, The Grades
We would like to thank all students who presented at last night’s student-led conferences in front of their parents and teachers. Most of the students showed maturity in their thoughts and emotions as they talked about their academic successes and challenges,...
by Celine ROWLANDS | Apr 4, 2018 | ECC, Front Page, The Grades
This week we had our student led conferences where the ECC students could share their learning with their families. The ECC was divided up into areas where they could demonstrate their fine motor and Maths skills. Their knowledge of some of the units of inquiry we...
by Ann Gaillard | Mar 29, 2018 | Front Page, Secondary Team Leader, The Grades
Fifteen ABIS students participated in the Society of Petroleum Engineer’s Energy4me program. It was the first time that this program was brought to Oman by the Oman Oil Company Exploitation and Production (OOCEP). One hundred and fifty students from around Oman were...
by Ann Gaillard | Mar 29, 2018 | Front Page, Secondary Team Leader
Dear Secondary Parents, This is the time of the year that your child(ren) will be able to share with you their successes and challenges in this school year. You can book appointments using this link – Please note the...
by Celine ROWLANDS | Mar 29, 2018 | ECC, Front Page, The Grades
Today was our annual ECC swim Gala. Everyone participated and had lots of fun. Thank you to the older students for their help and to Mr Carberry, Mr Jacobs and the custodians for helping set up and run the event. Everyone had a wonderful time.
by Nisreen KHALIL | Mar 29, 2018 | Front Page, Kindergarten 3 (GS)
The students in K3 enjoyed the activity of the Arabic alphabets in their forms through cooperative learning, where each student worked actively with his partner.