by Franciose CERDAN | Apr 24, 2013 | Secondary French
Student in grade 9 are learning about how to book a flight in French. The students have learn new skills and are applying them.
by Franciose CERDAN | Apr 17, 2013 | Secondary French
In class, this week the grade 7 have spent sometimes exploring how to give directions to each other. It wasn’t an easy task but they had a lot of fun learning it. Here they are in action.
by Franciose CERDAN | Mar 27, 2013 | Secondary French
This week, Grade 10 students have done their IGCSE French oral test. We went to the restaurant prior to the exams to practice speaking French. Writing and listening will be the focus for the next month. At the lower level, Grade 7 and Grade 8 have completed their...
by Franciose CERDAN | Mar 20, 2013 | Secondary French
In grade 7 this week, we are completing their final assessment on sports. The students are presenting ways to stay healthy.
by Franciose CERDAN | Mar 13, 2013 | Secondary French
This may look like just a box of plastic toys for you, but for a foreign language teacher, it’s a great learning tool. Students have learnt how to say “I eat this and that.” They also learned how to use prepositions and build sentences about where...
by Franciose CERDAN | Mar 11, 2013 | Secondary French
Great website for French tutorial