by Franciose CERDAN | Apr 28, 2016 | Grade 9, Secondary French
Today, students in Grade 9 had fun inventing stories in the future tense using Story cubes. This is a fun way to practise conjugations and be creative at the same time!
by Franciose CERDAN | Apr 21, 2016 | Grade 11, Secondary French, The Grades
How do we become a polyglot? How many words do we need to speak a foreign language? This week, students in G11 reflected on what language learning meant and worked together to find the best strategies to develop linguistic skills and become polyglots. What did they...
by Franciose CERDAN | Apr 14, 2016 | Grade 9, Secondary French, The Grades
As the end of module activity (IGCSE Topic eating and drinking), students in G9 practised their cooking skills and took on the roles of Master Chef cooks. They learned how to cook the classic French recipe of dark chocolate mousse and filmed themselves during each...
by Franciose CERDAN | Mar 24, 2016 | Grade 11, Grade 9, Secondary French, The Grades
On Sunday 20 March, it was la journée intnationale de la Francophonie. At ABIS we celebrated this day by having a full day of activities from assembly to cooking a special recipe from Québec. Two French-speaking members of the community joined us to share their...
by Mina ZNAIDI | Mar 24, 2016 | Grade 8, Secondary French
As part of spirit week, students wanted to play “French teacher” so they took turns at explaining tasks during our French lesson. They found the experience enjoyable as not only they had to learn how to deliver parts of a lesson but also how to...
by Franciose CERDAN | Mar 17, 2016 | Grade 12, Secondary French, The Grades
Nous y sommes! Le moment tant attendu de passer l’oral de littérature est imminent. La semaine prochaine, Corinne, notre unique candidate au cours de français A langue et littérature passera le commentaire oral individuel ou IOC. Cette semaine, nous nous sommes...