KG 1 Miss Erasmus – Week 19

WEEK 19 Dear Parents and Guardians of KG1, Another week has flown by and it is already the start of a brand new month! Please click here to see some photos of Week 19. Our knowledge and thinking skills that we practice in Mathematics are: learning about shapes...

Read more, know more. اقرأ أكثر ، تعرف أكثر

لتنمية المطالعة عند طلاب الثاني ، اعتدنا الذهاب لمركز مصادر التعلم في المدرسة ؛ خروجا عن بيئة الصف و ترغيبا بحب المطالعة و الإقبال على القراءة  To develop reading in second grade students, we used to go to the learning resource center in the school. Deviating from the...

Mrs.AlJabri Week 18

Week 18 26/1/2023 Dear KG2 Families, This week we continued to unpack the concept of conflict. We read books and watched stories related to this concept and tried to summarize the messages in these stories. Children were asked to identify conflict in various...

KG 1 Miss Erasmus – Week 18

WEEK 18 Dear Parents and Guardians of KG1, We loved being outside and made the most of our time that we were able to spend outside.  We were brave and explored new play areas.  We are also being kind and caring towards each other more often, which is great!  We are...