A snapshot of learning in KG1 this week

Good afternoon KG1 families, This week, as part of literacy development, we encouraged the children to create their own narratives. We started by reading Some Dogs Do by Jez Alborough, a fun story about a puppy who discovers he has the magical ability to fly....

Ms.AlJabri Week 11

14/11/2024 We’re always thrilled to keep you updated on the wonderful things happening in our classroom! This week has been full of fun activities, special visits, and new experiences. The highlight was definitely the visit to our school’s book fair. It was a...

Ms.AL Jabri Week 10

Dear KG2 Families, It was a fantastic week meeting with you in person and discussing your child’s goals and achievements during our 3-Way Conference. It was truly heartwarming to witness our young learners using their own words to share what they’re proud of and...

Week 10. Kindergarten PE

Dear Parents, This week in Physical Education class, we have focused on activities that develop movement coordination with objects and speed, and our Kindergarten students have truly enjoyed it! In these activities, we placed special emphasis on the sense of sight,...

KG2 A Week 10

Next week, we’re excited to begin our new unit, How the World Works! Our central idea is “Our senses help us explore and understand the world around us.” We’ll dive into the fascinating world of our five senses, exploring what each sense is and how we use...