Diploma History: The Internal Assessment

Most courses in the IB Diploma Programme have a component that is completed internally, that is, at school. That task is then marked by the teacher and then sent off to the IB to be counted in their final score. In History the Internal Assessment (IA) is worth 20% of...

Defending Galileo

In 1630, the astronomer Galileo Galilei was summoned before a court in Rome to face charges of crimes against Christianity. In short, he was charged with “heresy” for putting putting forth and teaching the “absurd” proposition that “the...

Talking school with your kids

We want our students to go home talking about their day of learning and we want our students to involve their parents in their educational journey. Plus, research shows that students are far more likely to internalize their learning and take ownership of it if they...

Who chose this image for a book cover?

Boy, those grade 9 students are keen! They’ve got all their teachers hoping this a sign of things to come for the entire school year. Grade 9 officially kicked off IGCSE History today and our first topic of the year is the unification of the German states into...