All Wet: Swim Gala 2012

These are the days our students will remember. With all due respect to Maths lessons and Humanities essays, when they look back on their time at ABIS they will undoubtedly save the fondest memories for these special, whole-school events. This year’s Swim Gala...

Student-Led Conferences Are Next Week

On March 27th and 28th ABIS will be hosting Student-Led Conferences. This is an important part of the learning process and will be undertaken by all students from K-1 through to grade 9. The purpose of these conferences is to give students the opportunity to reflect...

All the World’s at ABIS: International Evening

Last night ABIS hosted our annual International Evening. From the national dress to the food to the dances to the musical performances, the atmosphere was lively and fun. With over six hundred tickets issued, International Evening was certainly the center of attention...

Watering Their Curiosity

In Humanities we’ve begun learning how and why our ancestors stopped roaming the Earth as hunters and gatherers and settled down in communities. This was around ten thousand years ago when the sparse population of homo sapiens followed and hunted the great...