by webtester | Oct 17, 2012 | Grade 9, Humanities, Secondary History
Last week I quoted Eugene O’Neil saying something about history repeating itself. I do believe that history has a very circular nature about it, but there’s something a bit too neat (and borderline Calvinist) about O’Neil’s statement....
by webtester | Oct 14, 2012 | Grade 6, Humanities, Secondary History
That’s the question I put before grade 6 during History class on Sunday. We’ve just about wrapped up our unit about human origins and the students can converse quite fluently about how evolution works, as well as the more spiritual explanations for our...
by webtester | Oct 10, 2012 | Grade 7, Humanities, Secondary History
Our last P.E. teacher, Mr. Duffield, once told me, “The Burj Khalifa? That doesn’t impress me. It’s the 21st century. We can build anything. What impresses me are the pyramids in Giza or Chichen Itza, that they’re still standing.” I have...
by webtester | Oct 10, 2012 | Grade 10, Humanities, Secondary History, The Grades
One of the hardest aspects to teaching history is showing students how the dots connect to the present day. Too often, history class feels like a collection of things that happened long ago, with hardly a glimmer of relevance to the world we live in. But the forces...
by webtester | Sep 4, 2012 | Front Page, The Grades
Take a walk around the ABIS campus these days and you’re bound to notice a major change. The path leading past the Sports Hall and the pool, which previously ended at an open dirt lot, now leads to the Secondary Learning Suite. As the name of the building tells...