by Marie PERIN | Sep 1, 2022 | Grade 10, Grade 7 - 10 (MYP)
The excitement this first week for Grade 10, apart from seeing their teachers ;-), was getting their new MacBooks! The pictures speak for themselves! . .
by Marie PERIN | Jun 21, 2022 | Grade 10, Grade 7 - 10 (MYP), Grade 9, Secondary French
End of year activities in French. Happy holidays, bonnes vacances 🙂
by Marie PERIN | May 19, 2022 | Grade 8, Secondary French
As part of our 4th unit on protecting the environment, the grade 8 students made awareness posters with tips on everyday actions to reduce our impact on our planet. Have a look and see what you are already doing and what more you could do. There is no planet B, so...
by Marie PERIN | Apr 7, 2022 | Grade 7 - 10 (MYP), Grade 9
In advisory today, the Grade 9 students were busy taking pictures for their yearbook pages. This friendly bunch of young people had no trouble coming up with some creative and fun pauses to be shot. We allowed them to unmask themselves briefly, let’s be honest,...
by Marie PERIN | Mar 16, 2022 | Grade 7 - 10 (MYP), Grade 8, Secondary French
Last week, the grade 8 students presented their favorite holidays to the group in French. Their presentation transported us in place and we were very fortunate to travel to Africa, to the Maldives, to the US, to Italy, to Danemark and to the UAE. We enjoyed looking at...