K1 enjoy their Arabic lessons

This week Ms Kamla and Ms Buthaina spent time helping the children to recognise their names while playing a game. Ms Buthaina supported the non Arabic speakers. All the children had great fun. In Art the students produced self portraits. They spent time observing...

Exploring Materials

This week K1 continued to explore different materials and how we use them. They reflected on their constructions last week and the materials they used. They concluded that using the big plastic blocks were the most successful to build with and they could fit inside....

K1 Enquire Into Different Building Materials

This week we have continued our P.O.I. by inquiring into different building materials. Some discovered that sand was ok for construction but adding water made it much easier as it became sticky. The plastic Magnetic tiles were great as they stuck together but it was...

K1 love pirates and are preparing for Eid

This week the students were going to wear a hat to school which would express their favorite book genres. In K1 we thought it would be great fun to make our hats in school. All the students agreed that they enjoy pirate stories, so we made pirate hats. As Eid...