Grade 9 students were excited as they carried out their first experiment this year based on our current unit- Acids and bases around us and their impact on our environment.The students were introduced to the differences between acids and bases and how to use indicators, such as pH paper and red cabbage juice, to distinguish between them. They learn why it is important for engineers to understand acids and bases.

They learned that Environmental and chemical engineers examine pollutant substances to find out whether they are acid or base to know what kind of reactions they cause. Electrical engineers design batteries. Chemical engineers design everything from pharmaceuticals to soap to glue to bubble gum. Civil engineers design water and waste treatment plants for towns and factories. Using the basic concept of acids and bases, engineers are able to create a lot of things that contribute to the health, happiness and safety of society.

In this picture we can see Eshal, Alya, Sara and Matilde collaborating in the scientific investigation.