At this time we are 5 weeks away from the summer holidays. BUT in the next 4 weeks there are all the final summatives to be done. This for example, in Grade 8 consists of at least 9 summative tasks (at this time!). That is some serious pressure.

If students have not been working consistently, this is the time when cracks begin to show. Mental health can suffer – which in turn can influence physical well-being. So how can we deal with this intense pressure of studying, and meeting deadlines? There is no more time -or is there?

Make a list of all the tests on a calendar. Plan on when and what to study. By doing this you will start to feel better as you can now visibly see how to manage the work. And you will be breaking down the work into manageable chunks. THEN STICK TO THE PLAN. Do what must be done when you say it should be done.

It is that simple.