During Ramadan students have been learning about music elements. Grade 3 to grade 5 have reinforced their understanding of note values by using Lego bricks to represent quarter, half and eighth notes.

The Lego bricks show quarter, half and eighth notes.

The challenge is for students to use the notes values and create their own rhythms. The visual and hands on element to the activity helped improve understanding. At the end of the lesson students shared their work by clapping the rhythm created.

Grade 4 students all received their Recorder Karate coloured belts. The belts demonstrate skills in sight reading and confidence to play the graded piece of music.

Grade 5 have been using their time in music to reflect on what they have learnt this year and think about the qualities needed when they move to Grade 6. Here is a preview of their song.

When I play the uke it makes me calm. I get goose bumps up and down my arm. On the ukulele we pick our song. Join with us and sing along. Play the ukulele and strum it all day. Hawaiian music keeps your troubles away.

Purple Bamboo my Chinese flute. Play the peepa a kind of lute. Five is the sum of two and three. Ying and Yang life’s harmony. Chinese music played across the land. Compose a song with Garage Band.

Chorus-We’re off to grade 6 with courage and strength. We’re off to Grade 6 with resilience. Wise, truth and, happiness, happiness, happiness.

After Ramadan we will finish the song by working out the music and how the song will sound. I am so proud of how the students brainstormed ideas and worked together to write a unique song.

I would like to give a shout out to all the music classes for taking part and engaging themselves. Well done!