Welcome to Grade 7

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The Home language as a Bridge to Learning

The Home language as a Bridge to Learning

  Grade 7 have been learning to use a variety of strategies to support their language acquisition across content areas. One evidence-informed approach and strategy is translanguaging. Translanguaging strategies leverage student home languages in order to build...

Grade 7 Science- A new discovery about crying babies

According to findings, published online Sept. 2023 in the journal Nature, when a mouse pup starts crying, sound information travels to an area of its mother's brain called the posterior intralaminar nucleus of the thalamus (PIL). This sensory hub then sends signals to...

Developing mathematical mindset

Flexibility and Conceptual Thinking Are Required When Working with Numbers We seek to discern patterns in the cosmos and comprehend its rhythms. But when children enter school and are exposed to a dry set of procedures they believe they just have to accept and...

What’s in a word?

What’s in a word?

Language Acquisition Grade 7 English Language Acquisition students are becoming more and more familiar with using a variety of note-taking and visual thinking techniques. We use them to build background, develop vocabulary and deconstruct ideas. We use them at the...

Grade 7 Science- The Art of Inquiry

Grade 7 Science- The Art of Inquiry

Grade 7 has been engulfed with lab work the entire week, gathering, recording and transforming scientific data into visuals that would enable them to interpret data and draw conclusions on their research work. It was an exciting experience for everyone in the class...

Scholastic Book Club

Dear ABIS Families, We are pleased to announce the first Scholastic Book Club order for this school year. This is an online book club from which students can order books to be delivered to the school and distributed through the library via Me. The orders are in US...

Grade 7 English/ Individuals and Societies

Grade 7 English/ Individuals and Societies

In English we have just completed our first formative assessment on creation myths.  We are now investigating mythical monsters.  next week there will be a summatIve assessment on different types of myth. In Individuals and Societies we have inquired about how we find...

The intertwined relationship between maths and art

It’s easy to view art and math as completely separate subjects. Right brain vs. left brain. Creative vs. analytical. Imaginative vs. practical. Right? In fact, many of the core skills in art and math are closely related. Both disciplines require spatial reasoning...

اللغة والأدب للصف السابع

اللغة والأدب للصف السابع

 واصل الطلاب تعلمهم في هذا الأسبوع حول موضوع القصة القصيرة ،وقد أكملت كل مجموعة العرض الخاص بها وقدمت كل مجموعة العمل الخاص بها على الطلاب أمام الجميع وبعد ذلك قمنا بتلخيص تعريف القصة وعناصرها لكي يتمكن الطلاب من تنقيح...

Science -Criterion D assessment

Science -Criterion D assessment

  In line with the ABIS Mission which is to ‘challenge and inspire all students to reach their full potential by providing an innovative and inquiry based education that supports well being and lifelong learning’, the grade 9 scientists have benefited a lot from...

MYP Art Compositions

MYP Art Compositions

The Grade 7 & 8 Artists have made some really creative front covers for their folders. They have mixed interesting fonts, elements from their personality and thoughtful colours to make some exciting compositions. I look forward to seeing more great work from our...

Math is everywhere

It is true that mathematics is taught in a variety of settings outside of school and daycare. Young generation encounters many significant mathematics situations on a daily basis, and there are many approaches to support their early mathematical ability development....



... is the answer! Number of countries with French as an official language. Also, in the French class this week, the Grade 7 studied and sang the alphabet. I asked them to practice at home so there should be some singing happening in some homes! In Grade 8, the...

History, Geography or Both?

History, Geography or Both?

What is Individuals & Societies (I&S)? Grade 7 Language Acquisition/I&S class got off to a strong start this week. Students are confidently using visual thinking routines and translanguaging strategies. They are strengthening their self-management and...

Olympiad Sign-up

Dear Parents, Greetings, Hope you all are safe and healthy. The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) competition is back again and our students have performed exceptionally well last year at zonal and international levels. For more information, you can log...