by Viviana Andrea PAEZ Rojas | Aug 18, 2021 | Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Kindergarten 3 (GS), Kindergarten 3 (ICS), The Grades
Hello! My name is Viviana Paez. I am from Bogota, Colombia, a beautiful and small country in South America. Do you know anything about my country? I am the youngest of four sisters and, I have the blessing of having my parents alive. I don’t have kids but I have...
by Liezel BOSHOFF | Jun 17, 2021 | Kindergarten 3 (GS)
Thank you for all your hard work and efforts through the year. Thank you mommies and daddies for your dedication and support. I wish you a wonderful holiday!!
by Liezel BOSHOFF | Jun 10, 2021 | Kindergarten 3 (GS)
The student have been having fun with beginning sounds and we’re decoding secret messages in class. We created our names using pictures for each sound After listening to the story, “ Neck & Neck, we made some funny drawings about a giraffe and folded it to make...
by Liezel BOSHOFF | May 27, 2021 | Kindergarten 3 (GS)
The students have been busy with lots of different activities. One of the favorites of the week was art. They also reflected on the UOI about sharing resources ( water).
by Liezel BOSHOFF | May 6, 2021 | Kindergarten 3 (GS)
This week we used our Thinking skills and planned a special party for our toys. We brought all of our Math focus for this week into this activity. The toys really had a lot of fun!!
by Liezel BOSHOFF | Apr 22, 2021 | Kindergarten 3 (GS)
We have been hard at work this week. We were practicing our doubles and number bonds to ten, making groups of 5 and 10 and skip counting. In Language we keep practicing strategies to read unfamiliar words. We have been writing messages to each other on the white...