Thank you K3

Thank you for all your hard work and efforts through the year. Thank you mommies and daddies for your dedication and support. I wish you a wonderful holiday!!

K3 writing secret messages

The student have been having fun with beginning sounds and we’re decoding secret messages in class. We created our names using pictures for each sound After listening to the story, “ Neck & Neck, we made some funny drawings about a giraffe and folded it to make...

K3 – lots of fun

This week we used our Thinking skills and planned a special party for our toys. We brought all of our Math focus for this week into this activity. The toys really had a lot of fun!!

K3 learning

We have been hard at work this week. We were practicing our doubles and number bonds to ten, making groups of 5 and 10 and skip counting. In Language we keep practicing strategies to read unfamiliar words. We have been writing messages to each other on the white...