ASA: 2 + 2 = 5

We are off to a great start. We were able to divide the group into 3 separate smaller groups to work on skills by playing games. Games are relaxed way to practice foundational skills and learn to have a math mind-set. Please reach out if interested in playing some of...

الهوية والمواطنة

طلاب الصف الرابع في مادة الهوية والمواطنة في هذا الاسبوع يساعدون صديقهم ناصر في رسم بعض الربوتات  واعطائها بعض المهام.

Week 2 – ’Twas all ‘Guess & Check’

Hello everybody, We are thankful for the great Parent Information Evening last night and we love G4 some more!  Have a look at Week 2 photos.  What we did in Week 2:  Our essential agreement is taking shape in the form of a poem with 6 stanzas! Emoji’s are up on the...