G1 AW- Belonging To School Houses

It was exciting to talk about our different house colours. The children loved being inquirers and communicators as they did research and wrote about their house animal. Dads and Mums look out for this piece of work in our portfolios at the conferences next week. It...

Week 10 “Starting a new inguiry path.”

This week we started a new Unit of Inquiry:”How the world works.” We learned that rocks tell us the story of our earth. We made observations and described our collection of rocks. It’s great to see the students’ enthusiasm when they explore! Grade 1 also had a...

Week 9 “Equal sharing and goal setting.”

We have been equally sharing quantities to 20 and exploring halves. We have been looking at Social skills and self-management skills in this Unit. The students chose a goal for one of these skills. We will keep working on our goals to help develop our social – and...