ابداع الصف الاول الابتدائي

أبدع طلاب الصف الأول الابتدائي في كتابة  الاملاء حيث بدأ الطلاب بتركيب الكلمات الإملائية عن طريق اللعب ثم انتقلوا إلى كتابتها حبر على ورق وقد حصل الجميع على درجات رائعة بوركت...

Grade 1A At The Beach

Welcome back and Happy 2025 to everyone! Grade 1A had a great start back to school on Monday and were so happy to see each other and share holiday news. They settled back into school routine smoothly and tried hard to remember our agreements. On Tuesday we had our...

Week 17

Dear Parents,   Last Tuesday, we went to the beach with all the Grade 1 students. It was a great chance for the children to learn about how nature shapes our planet in a fun and hands-on way. The children saw things like how the waves change the coast, how tides...

1C Beach Trip!

This Tuesday we went on field trip to the beach, our Grade 1 class had an enriching experience that aligned beautifully with our current unit of inquiry, “The Earth goes through constant change.” Students explored coastal processes and observed natural...