!على الأرفف .. كتب عربية جديدة

أعزائي أسرة مدرسة الباطنة الدولية تسعى المدرسة دائمًا إلى تزويد المكتبة بمختلف المصادر التي تخدم المناهج وتثري القراءة لدى الطلاب. ولم تفوت المدرسة فرصة عرس الكتاب – معرض مسقط الدولي للكتاب- حيث تم اقتناء العديد من الكتب العربية المتنوعة: .. ما بين أمهات الكتب...

Week 25

Due to the changing schedules we have been busy learning to tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks. We have been reading clocks and noticing the movement of both the long and short hands moving in a clockwise direction. Looking at digital clocks the...

week 24

During the past few weeks, we partook in festivities dedicated to Oman Week. The children actively participated in various traditional activities. The boys adorned a Kuma, while the girls embellished a burqa with vibrant materials. Additionally, they had the chance to...

Week 24

During Oman Week, Grade 1 students had a lot of fun learning about Oman’s culture. They got to ride on camels, which was really exciting! The girls tried out henna, they drew pretty designs on their hands and arms. Meanwhile, the boys wore turbans, which are...