First week of 1C!

What a great start to the year it has been! This week, we’ve been getting to know each other and our new learning environment. The children have attended their specialist classes and are adjusting to our school routines. We’ve engaged in cooperative play, established...

First Week in Grade 1A

Students have started to learn new routines, get to know each other and get used to being back at school. We have had many fun activities, songs and stories, balanced with writing, counting, drawing and playing cooperatively. I am very pleased to hear good speaking in...

الهوية والمواطنة

 تم تعريف طلاب الصفوف من اول الى الرابع بالمعلم والمادة الجديدة وعن المواضيع التي سوف تدرس فيها وكان الطلاب متحمسين ومتشوقين لدروس المادة

The first week in Grade 1.

I’m reflecting on a wonderful first week of school with our new Grade 1 students. It’s natural for some to feel a bit nervous at the start, but it has been heartwarming to see how quickly the children have relaxed and eagerly engaged with me, Ms. Maysaa, and their...