K2 Touchy Feely

For our Unit of a Inquiry we exploring the world through our 5 senses. We have been exploring the sense of touch. Thank you for the students who brought books and items from home to share with the class.

We are conjugating verbs!

In French class, we have been busy inquiring about using action words in correct sentences. We looked into how the verb form changes according to the subject. For some students, this is easy but for some, this does not come naturally. Nevertheless, we are showing...

K2 fun times

We did lots of interesting activities to strengthen our fine motor skills. Some fun in the pool The children were presenting their work to the class, focusing on their communication skills

Whole School House Chants

The school spirit is flying high as the Mazoon building is filled with blue,yellow, green and red colors and house chants last Thursday. Each house team gave an impressive performance and earned points for their team. Well done students and staff!

K2 UOI my senses – tasting

We made popcorn this week and explored the different senses, smelling the popcorn tasting the flavor, feeling what it feels like, hearing the popping sound and looking at what happens to the corn when you heat it. To bring math shapes into our unit we made an art...