by Karima ELSAYED | Jun 6, 2024 | ECC, Grade 1, Grade 3, The Grades
At the end of this academic year, this was my pledge to my students, and indeed, it has been fulfilled. I am proud of what I have provided and what I have seen from my dear students. I promise them that we will continue on this path as long as we are together....
by Nuria TOBIA | Jun 6, 2024 | ECC
Hello everyone, We had another awesome week with loads of fun, learning, and cool water games. The swimming lessons continue being a favorite for all of us. It’s truly incredible to witness how much they continue enjoying their time in the water, finding joy...
by Pinar NICHOLSON | Jun 5, 2024 | ECC
Dear KG1 Families, Our week has been packed with events! We’ve had Art Day, Comic Con, a Bake Sale, and Pyjama Day. Enjoy the many photos below. 🙂
by Khadija Ali Abdullah AL JABRI | Jun 5, 2024 | ECC
Dear KG2 Families, As we approach the end of this academic year, our young learners continue to engage in exciting and educational activities. Despite the few remaining days, the fun and learning have not slowed down. This week, the children had the opportunity to...
by Nuria TOBIA | May 30, 2024 | ECC
Hello everyone, We had another awesome week with loads of fun, learning, and cool water games. The swimming lessons have become a favorite for both the kids and me. It’s amazing to see how much they enjoy being in the water and how much they’ve improved with...
by Pinar NICHOLSON | May 29, 2024 | ECC
Dear KG1 Families, It has been great to observe children were engaged in cooperative play working on their developing theories. Swimming was again the highlight of our week. I haven’t seen this but apparently they have been to the big pool. They couldn’t...