by Sahar Mohammad IBRAHIM | Mar 24, 2021 | Arabic, Grade 7, Grade 7 - 10 (MYP)
G7 students analyzed a poem from Arabic poetry related to the content of the unit, which is the human values. The students employed the main concept and the related concept within the content of the poem. It included many of the values contained in the unit. Each...
by Sahar Mohammad IBRAHIM | Mar 18, 2021 | Arabic, Grade 7 - 10 (MYP), Grade 8
While studying the influence of literature on characters, students analyzed the novel (Around the World in Eighty Days) and designed a cover of their creations that employed the main concept, related concept, and global context where each student analyzed the novel’s...
by Nabawia AL BALUSHI | Feb 25, 2021 | Arabic, Grade 4
تزامنا مع يوم اللغة الأم الذي صادف يوم الأحد الموافق ٢١ فبراير،والذي يحتفل العالم به، سطرت أنامل طلاب الصف الرابع عبارات جميلة وبراقة يعبرون فيها عن حبهم للغتهم الأم اللغة العربية الخالدة والباقية للأزل وسيطرت لغة الفخر على كلماتهم المعبرة عن لغتهم العريقة الخالدة لغة...
by Sahar Mohammad IBRAHIM | Feb 25, 2021 | Arabic, Grade 6
During this week, the students studied a poem about the glory of Oman, where they analyzed the vocabulary and extracted the sub-ideas, the general idea and the methods contained in the text, and the students excelled in presenting their ideasThe students also...
by Sahar Mohammad IBRAHIM | Feb 25, 2021 | Arabic, Grade 7 - 10 (MYP), Grade 8
During this week the students completed the analysis of a novel of world literature (around the world in eighty days), during which they studied the influence of characters on literature and analyzed the main and secondary characters in terms of social and...
by Sahar Mohammad IBRAHIM | Feb 18, 2021 | Arabic, Grade 5, Grade 6
During this week, G5 / G6 students performed the second formative assessment of the Ministerial Arabic Language and Islamic Education subjects, applying the criteria contained in the ministry document including the specific lessons that were studied.