Putting it all together

Hello! In grade 10 over the past eight weeks, we have learned about film technique, analyzed film clips, read and written film reviews, and have practiced taking a critical look at some of our favorite (and least favorite) films… and now, it is time to put it...

Taking apart a TOK essay title

This Wednesday, we had our first look at the TOK essay titles. This essay asks students to examine knowledge in relation to different areas of knowledge. The areas of knowledge covered in the TOK course are: history, mathematics, natural sciences, human sciences, and...

Warning! Spoilers ahead…

This week in English, Grade 11 has been skipping to the end before reading page one.  We are going thousands of years back in time and looking at Ancient Greek drama. We will be studying the first of Sophocles Theban tragedies, Oedipus Rex. As we prepare to dive into...