Biology and Physics

Grade 10 IGCSE Biology and Physics are now using a two weeks rotating schedule. The students focus on one of the subjects in one of the weeks and their homework is due on Tuesday the next week. On Wednesdays grade 10 students’ progress is assessed with test questions...

Mathematics in Secondary at ABIS

For those of you that I have not yet met, I am Mr Pemberton and I am the new Secondary Mathematics teacher. I am from the UK, which is where I did my training, and taught mathematics in two schools over a period of seven years. ABIS is my fourth international school,...

iPads In Early Childhood

We are very excited to announce that as of yesterday, our students in the Early Childhood area (K1-Grade2) are now working with their own sets of iPads. There are 4 iPads devoted to each class, with teachers being able to access more when needed. Here, Grade 1...

ABIS Movie Night

The Movie Night Committee is pleased to announce the first of our monthly Movie Nights at ABIS, taking place on October 23rd at 6:30 pm. We’ve chosen three out of this world movies for a night of Sci-Fi fun. For only 500 Baisas, you can buy a ticket to see...