We’re six days from leaving for Sri Lanka. What are we excited about and looking forward to? What are we nervous about?

[This photo is a Habitat For Humanity project in Sri Lanka from last year.]

Himesh, Grade 10: I’m looking forward to finishing the house because I know it’ll be a good experience for me. I will also be nervous about the guesthouse, and whether I’ll get sick or not on the trip. That could definitely ruin the trip for me.

Eckhart, Grade 9: I am very excited to meet people and to help the people there.  I’m also looking forward to seeing the guesthouse, since it is on the beach. I think the flight will be fun because we will have a lot of time to talk to our friends. I’m a bit worried about the food we’ll be eating there.

Clarissa, Grade 9: I’m very excited for the trip! I’m looking forward to actually being in Sri Lanka. I’m looking forward to the experience of building the house. I hope the group doesn’t get sick while we are there. I don’t know what to expect!

Bryan, Grade 10: It is so close to facing the reality of our trip to Sri Lanka. I am most looking forward to the environment of a new country and taking part in the project of building this house for a family. I am also excited about going on a trip with my friends and without my parents. I am nervous about the guesthouse that we will be staying in and about the food we’ll be eating. I don’t want to eat or drink the wrong thing and get sick.

Mr. Kearney: I’m looking forward to watching the group work as a team and develop close bonds in ways that we can’t here in Sohar. I’m nervous about the team’s expectations—I hope no one will be disappointed by what we find in Sri Lanka.

James, Grade 9: My expectations about this trip are that I will be overwhelmed by the lifestyle. I hope we have a good and healthy place to sleep. Also I am aware of the ways we can get sick: the water isn’t as clean as it is here, so we must be careful. I am looking forward to building this house, since this is not an experience we can get everyday.

Bradley, Grade 10: I’m looking forward to finishing off the house and meeting the family.  I’m also looking forward to experiencing Sri Lankan culture and the environment and getting to know each other better. I am most nervous about our lodging, the type of food we’ll be eating, and the fact that the water is not always healthy to drink.

Renzo, Grade 10:  I am looking forward to Sri Lankan culture and how we can work together as a team. I am interested to learn about the people and their hospitality.

Mr. Provencher: I’m looking forward to meeting new people, especially the local Sri Lankan people at our worksite. I’m nervous about fatigue and food poisoning.