This Week in Music

September 16th, 2024

🎶 It’s been another exciting week of musical exploration and growth across all our classes! Let’s dive into the highlights and discover how our young musicians have been making beautiful music together.

Early Years: An Orchestral Adventure

Our youngest learners embarked on a captivating journey through the families of the orchestra. Through interactive games, stories, and hands-on activities, they expanded their musical vocabulary and discovered the fascinating world of instruments. We even got to try out some simple choreography to music, adding movement to the melody!

It’s heartwarming to see their curiosity spark as they learn about how different instruments create sound. From the gentle plucking of strings to the rhythmic beat of drums, each instrument tells its own unique story.

Grades 3-6: Mastering Musicianship

Our older students explored deeper into the world of music, honing their skills on the recorder, ukulele, and percussion instruments as well as woodwind instrument. We continued to explore the essential elements of music, understanding how pitch, rhythm, dynamics, and tempo are the building blocks that musicians use to create, interpret, and express themselves.

Improvisation sessions encouraged students to step outside their comfort zone and embrace their creativity. It’s inspiring to witness their confidence grow as they experiment with sounds and rhythms, discovering their own musical voice.

Beyond the Notes: Learning for Life

Music education isn’t just about playing an instrument or singing a song. It’s about fostering essential life skills. This week, our students:

  • Collaborated with their peers, learning the importance of teamwork and communication.
  • Researched different musical styles and cultures, expanding their knowledge and appreciation for the diverse world of music.
  • Embodied various learner profile attributes, such as being inquirers, communicators, and risk-takers.

A Glimpse into the Future: We’re looking forward to showcasing our students’ progress at the upcoming Winter Concert.Stay tuned for more updates on their musical journey!

#MusicEducation #Creativity #Collaboration #IBLearnerProfile