Lower Primary Melodies
Our youngest musicians have been busy exploring the wonderful world of music! They’ve been singing familiar favorites and learning new tunes, while also getting hands-on with a variety of instruments. From tapping rhythm sticks to shaking maracas, they’re developing a sense of rhythm and beat that will serve as a foundation for their musical journey. We’ve even started bringing stories to life through movement and dance, adding a touch of creativity and expression to our musical explorations. It’s been a joy to witness their enthusiasm and natural curiosity as they embark on this exciting adventure!
Upper Primary Harmonies
In Upper Primary, our students are delving deeper into the world of music. They are not just singing songs, but analyzing lyrics, connecting them to their own experiences, and exploring the rich cultural tapestry that music represents. We’re excited to see them embrace technology tools like www.flat.io and therhythmtrainer.com to enhance their learning and even take their first steps towards composing their own music! It’s truly inspiring to see them find their unique voices and express themselves through the power of music.
A Note from the Music Room
Music is a universal language that connects us all, and it’s been wonderful to see our students embrace its magic. Whether it’s through singing, playing instruments, or creating their own compositions, they are developing skills that will enrich their lives for years to come. We look forward to sharing more of their musical journeys with you in the weeks ahead!
Click on the link for theĀ Sept 1-5 photos