Students from K1 and 2 have been busy in music this week learning new songs and developing responsibility when playing instruments as a class. They enjoyed creating actions to a song called ‘Splishing and Splashing.’

Grade 1 students have shown a good understanding of Folk music and how the lyrics from old songs change over time. We sang the song Froggy Went A Courtin’ using the students own suggestions on animals that will attend the wedding of the characters in the song.

Students playing and singing the fold song, Charliev the Ocean

Grade 2 have learnt to play three different rhythm patterns and play them using percussion instruments. The challenge for the students was to play their part at the correct time and finish the performance together.

The grade 3 students have made some wonderful homemade instruments. These have been used to great effect playing samba rhythms. Samba is the national music of Brazil and uses energetic rhythm patterns.

Grade 3 Samba instruments

Grade 4 students continue to learn the chords and melody to The Wheels on the Bus. They can play the chord progression with confidence. The next target is the have half the class playing the chords and the rest of the class playing the melody. They also started the next level with Recorder Karate, taking skills they learnt last year to a new level.

Grade 5 are also developing their ukulele skills and have focussed on playing the F and C chords to the well song London’s Burning.

Grade 6 students have been learning about ‘the blues’ which is a 12 bar song form. The form repeats and the students had their first experience at playing a 12 bar sequence using the chords C, F and G. Blues artists such as BB King have been used as part of music appreciation.