With the short week, I was unable to meet with the sevens and eights, but I was pleased to see a group signed up to work in the dance studio for a lunchtime – well done the Brazilian group!
The big event of the week was of course the Cabaret, for which our IGCSE students performed. They worked lunch times and after school in order to bring it to a standard suitable for performance and it paid off – they looked fantastic! I am expecting more from them in the coming weeks with the IGCSE dance work and International Evening.
The nines and tens continued working with their countries, investigating traditional steps and working on fitting them to a more modern piece of music from that country. There were some strong discussions about the types of steps that were the best to use and some planning for increasing the variety of choreographic principles that were used in the routine.
International Evening is coming! It is only a few weeks away now!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!