Welcome to Grade 12

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ABIS DP Arts Night- Emerging Musicians

ABIS DP Arts Night- Emerging Musicians

On Tuesday, The DP Visual Art and Music students presented their creative works to family, friends, and teachers.  The Grade 11 DP Music students took to the stage and each shared a particular piece of music that they are working on for a variety of assessments.  Some...

Secondary Individuals and Societies

Secondary Individuals and Societies students have worked through the challenges of this week by engaging in a variety of tasks via Google Classroom.  Guidelines and resources are clearly established and available for students and parents to view.  Students are...

DP Music Students are almost done!

This week, the DP Music students in Grade 12 have been working to finish up their last assessment for the course.  Unlike other DP Courses, DP Music does not have formal sit-down exams, but rather three large projects that are completed over the two years and...

Grade 12 Biology Revision

Grade 12 Biology Revision

For our final-year DP students, the pressure is building up and the week was a time to revisit some of the most challenging concepts of the the course. This is to ensure that no stone is left unturned in the final days of their formal school hours. The class decided...

Creativity, Activity, and Service

This is a busy time of the year for Diploma students with regards to CAS.  Grade 12s are quickly approaching the end of their participation in CAS and should currently be focused on finalizing evidence and reflections for any experiences that have yet to be marked as...

Study Leave Expectations

Hello. Can you believe we are only a week and a half away from study leave for the exams? With the announcement of Eid anticipated on the 10th of April, that means we are only seven school days away from a break and after the Eid holiday, our lovely seniors will be on...

!على الأرفف .. كتب عربية جديدة

!على الأرفف .. كتب عربية جديدة

أعزائي أسرة مدرسة الباطنة الدولية تسعى المدرسة دائمًا إلى تزويد المكتبة بمختلف المصادر التي تخدم المناهج وتثري القراءة لدى الطلاب. ولم تفوت المدرسة فرصة عرس الكتاب - معرض مسقط الدولي للكتاب- حيث تم اقتناء العديد من الكتب العربية المتنوعة: .. ما بين أمهات الكتب إلى كتب...

Individual Oral Presentations

After the February break, we will be starting our oral presentations. This is the formally assessed internal assessment for the English language and literature course. For this task, students examine a global issue through a close examination of a literary and...

ABIS Students Shine at TAISM MUN Conference!

Last weekend a group of 15 ABIS students attended a Model United Nations conference at The American International School in Muscat (TAISM).  Our MUN club had another highly successful showing, representing a range of countries across all 4 committees.  Topics up for...

One more to go

It has been a hectic week of exam, exam, chocolate. The grade 12s have managed this with incredible poise and maturity. They have approached the exams with the right attitude and arrived prepared. Now, we are only two exams done from being finished. In the next two...

Grade 11 and 12 Chemistry

Grade 11 and 12 Chemistry

Our students successfully completed their end-of-semester exams in Chemistry . Their outstanding performance sets a positive tone for the upcoming semester. For the grade 11 chemistry students, our focus now shifts to exploring topics on periodicity and bonding, along...

Grade 12 DP Biology

Grade 12 DP Biology

Not many weeks from now, our final-year students (grade 12) will start their Mock exams as part of their preparation for the final exams in May. We understand the moment you find yourselves in because we have been in this situation before. This is why we are offering...

DP Mock Exams

Hello! It's only a week away before we start our DP mock exams. This tends to be a time of high stress and we have been meeting with the grade 12s to discuss methods of mitigation. The students will be sitting exams from January 28th-February 4th. Please help support...

🧪🌟 Celebrating our Grade 11 Chemistry Stars! 🌟🧪

🧪🌟 Celebrating our Grade 11 Chemistry Stars! 🌟🧪

.    As we wrap up the first two terms, it's with immense pride that we acknowledge the remarkable journey of our grade 11 chemistry students. 🎓🔬 After delving into the intricacies of the models of the particulate nature of matter, these young minds have exhibited...

Grade 11 &12 IBDP Biology, Grade 7, 10 MYP Science

Grade 11 &12 IBDP Biology, Grade 7, 10 MYP Science

Finally, the long-awaited Winter break is here and you are all going home for the break. I must say this is a well-deserved break. All the hard work throughout the term makes this break a well-deserved one. Take some time to meet up with friends and families, make new...