Raz-Kids is an online reading resource that students can use at home to practice reading and improve their literacy skills.

Each student has access to a library of interactive eBooks with hundreds of fiction and non-fiction books fro all the reading levels.

How to get the most of this app?

  • Listen to the book first.
  • Then, read the book by yourself.
  • Record your voice reading the story to check pronunciation and fluency.
  • Take the reading comprehension quiz to check the understanding of the story or the information.
  • 20 minutes of reading practice will make positive impact in the literacy abilities of students.

Link for easy access to the platform: https://www.raz-kids.com/

If you need support understanding how to login, and how the platform works, please contact your homeroom teacher, or our EAL specialist Viviana. v.paez@abisoman.com.