Well done to all music students from K1 to G6 who have engaged in the activities. All students have enjoyed moving to music whether it is Incy Wincy Spider or dancing to the Kidz Bop group.
Grade 4 and 5 students have been thinking about the ukulele as an instrument and the benefits it brings. Here are their top 5 reasons that everyone should learn to play the ukulele.
1. It is cheap and portable.
2. It sounds good.
3. It is cross cultural
4. You can sing and play at the same time
5. It is FUN!
I agree with the above, what do you think? Like all instruments it takes practice, but I find the ukulele is a joy to play at home, on the beach, on holiday or during your daily practice time.
I look forward to music face to face next week.
Mr Mike