Two intense weeks again in terms of practical work in Science.
Grade 11 Biology students are dealing with proteins and nucleic acids. They performed experiments on factors affecting enzyme activity and made DNA models. Grade 11 Chemistry students finished the SL part of the unit on Periodicity and watched espectacular demonstrations about the reactivity of the alkali metals and halogens.
Grade 12 Biology students continued with Animal Physiology and are finishing the HL part of the topic today. They performed a chicken leg dissection to visualize muscles, tendons and ligaments and to have a deeper understanding of how a synovial hinge joint works.
Grade 12 Chemistry students started with Organic Chemistry and covered nomenclature, hydrocarbons, functional groups and are starting with reactivity. We performed a distillation of an alkene from orange peels and tested for the it using bromine water.
Grade 7 Science students are starting the second unit (Mapping matter, a unit related to Chemistry), and were talking about safety in the lab in preparation for an intense practical topic.