Messages from the Primary Team Leader

PD Day next week: No school for students

Dear Families; Please make a note that next week, Thursday, Sept. 29, is a Professional Development Day for ABIS. Teachers will spend the day looking at our CIS Accreditation process as well as planning collaboratively for events throughout the academic year.  There...

After School Activities starting next week

Dear Families, Thank you to everyone who turned up for our first Primary Coffee Morning.  It was a lovely chance for people to catch up and get to know each other better.  If you missed this one, don't worry, we will be hosting these regularly over the year.  We will...

Great learning is happening at ABIS!

Dear Families, Thank you to everyone who attended our Parent Information Meeting last night.  It was great to see so many families here and to see relationships and partnerships between home and school beginning.  Working together is so important for student success. ...

A Happy Week for Everyone!

Dear Primary Families, Thank you to everyone who worked hard in preparing for such an enjoyable and successful first week back to school.  Thanks to the teachers, who planned excellent learning in welcoming spaces. Thanks to the parents, who bought new materials,...

Welcome back to a new school year.

Welcome back to a new school year.

Dear Primary Families; I am very pleased to welcome everybody back to a new and exciting school year at Al Batinah International School (ABIS). While this is my third year here in Sohar, it is my first opportunity to begin a school year with everybody in person. The...

Summer is here!

Summer is here!

Dear Primary Families, It is hard to believe that we have reached the end of this academic year. Today, students celebrated and said goodbye to some of their friends and teachers.  To families leaving ABIS this year, we wish you the very best of luck in your new...

One week to go!

Dear Families, I cannot believe I am writing this message to you with only 4 days left of school for this academic year.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have given your children and the school during the past year.  When we work...

Counting Down!

Dear Primary Families, Thank you to everyone who attended the Community Dinner last week.  It was such a lovely way to get everyone together for the first time in years.  The kids loved the freedom of playing at school at night!  And the parents and other family...

Assembly and Community Dinner

Dear Families, Today was the 2nd assembly at ABIS since Covid and we were thrilled to welcome parents from grades 2, 3 and 4 to share in our learning celebration. The students did a wonderful job and were proud and excited to present their learning. Thank you to all...

Successful PYP Exhibition

Dear Families, This week Grade 6 students achieved a milestone in their learning journey. As a culmination of their Primary years, each student contributed towards a successful Exhibition on Tuesday evening. All parents attended, and it was wonderful to be able to...

Assemblies and Exhibition

Dear Families, It was so great to welcome families from grades 5 and 6 today for our very first assembly since Covid!  The students were excited about the opportunity to share their learning and shine on stage with their parents present.  Thank you to all who were...

Lots to Look Forward To!

Dear Families, Welcome back to the final stretch of the school year.  I hope you enjoyed the Eid break with your families and found enjoyable and relaxing ways to spend the days together. It's been lovely seeing more and more parent faces on our campus in the mornings...

ASAs and Holidays

Dear Families, When we return from the break, ABIS will move to an indoor lunch schedule for all students.  Students will eat indoors and will then be supervised by teachers, some in their classrooms and some on a rotation between the Sports Hall, the Mazoon and the...

Report Cards

Dear Families, Today you should have received your child's Term 3 Progress Report.  This document is a summary of your child's learning and achievements to date and goals for the rest of the school year.  Please read through it carefully, and talk about learning with...

Welcome Back and Ramadan Kareem

Dear Families, Ramadan Mubarak to all families who participate in this special time of year. As you are aware, ABIS classes finish at 2pm for the month of Ramadan. The same timetable is being followed with each class being just a bit shorter. Our lunch is also...

Enjoy your break!

Enjoy your break!

Dear Families, Please enjoy the upcoming Spring break with your family.  Some people are traveling while others will relax at home.  Either way, I hope our students and teachers will recharge and come back to school in April ready to tackle the last part of our school...

Oman Week

Dear Families, Primary students had a very exciting week! Classes across grades K1 - G6 had many special celebrations for Oman Week.  Students arrived wearing special Omani colours and clothes on Sunday to kick off the week. Students had field trips, completed special...

Parents back on campus for SLCs

Dear Primary Families, How wonderful it was to have parents back on campus yesterday and today for our Student Led Conferences.  The children were very excited about sharing their learning with their parents and introducing them to their teachers.  I saw a lot of very...

And Finally We Shall Meet!

Dear Families, I am excited about the upcoming week at ABIS.  After 2+ years of parents not being allowed on campus, we are finally able to begin inviting you back.  Having been here for 1.5 years myself and still not knowing the parent community well, I very much...

Happy Teacher’s Day and SLCs

Dear Families, As today was Teacher's Day, I wish to extend a huge thank you to all classroom teachers and assistants who work so hard every day to make learning a positive experience for all of our children.  The passion and energy dedicated to their work is...